Tolterodine 2mg Tablet Tolgress

Business trademark: Tolgress

Producer: Pfizer Ltd

Show: Tablet

Strength: 2mg



What is Tolterodine 2mg Tablet Tolgress?

Tolterodine 2mg Tablet Tolgress is utilized in the treatment of overactive bladder. It assuages urinary manifestations like incessant pee, pressing need to pee, and failure to control pee.

How is Used Tolterodine 2mg Tablet Tolgress?

Tolterodine 2mg Tablet Tolgress is encouraged to take it in a portion and length according to the solution. It tends to be taken with food or without food, yet take it simultaneously consistently. Gulp down the medication as an entire without smashing orbiting it. You ought not to quit taking the medication without talking with the specialist as it might prompt the deteriorating of your manifestations. The course of the treatment ought to be finished for the better viability of the medication.

Side effects of Tolterodine 2mg Tablet Tolgress:

Some basic symptoms of this case incorporate dry mouth, obstruction, runs, and cerebral pain. Drinking a lot of water may help you adapt up to the results. It might likewise cause you to feel mixed up or languid or make your vision hazy, so it exhorted not to drive or do anything requiring fixation until you know what it means for you. The utilization of liquor should be kept away from as it can bother the results. If any of the results trouble you or continue, counsel the specialist immediately.


Before accepting the treatment, educate your primary care physician on the off chance that you are on any drug for some other medical issue. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, advise your PCP before the treatment. Patients with liver or kidney infection should be careful while getting the medicine and they should get ordinary subsequent meet-ups according to the specialist’s recommendation. For more details click here. For more details click here.

Business trademark: Tolgress

Producer: Pfizer Ltd

Show: Tablet

Strength: 2mg

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